Just a quick note to everyone about our successful 1st Light-Up Night. I guess the best way to sum up our success is that the Officers working that shift asked if we could do that more often. It was encouraging seeing so many homes with the lights on and in many areas, neighbors sitting outside spending time together. We where able to send a message that we care about our community. So I would like to thank all of you who participated.
We had our fire companies and the local police from the Steel Valley area patrolling with us as well as 2 police cars from West Mifflin, and 1 from Pleasant Hills.Not to bad for our first attempt. I have some different ideas for next years event but we have had a great start. We still have a long way to go but we are making progress.
So with that said, thank you for supporting our Crime Watch and keep up the work.
Dan Boehme
Crime Prevention Officer
Munhall PD