Dear Friends,
We are currently planning the 2008 Historic Steel Valley Christmas Parade and this year we hope to have the best Parade ever! But we can't do it without your help!
You can help by spreading the word, help us to get participant's, make a float, march in the parade with your craziest costume on or just come out and watch.
This is also a great way to advertise your business. The Steel Valley is your community and it would be a wonderful way to show your pride and holiday spirit.
As always, the 2008 Parade is the first Saturday in December, December 6th and it begins at 12:00 noon.
The participant’s lineup area is on Forest Avenue in West Homestead at 11:15 A.M. The Parade follows 8th Ave. from West Homestead to Munhall; approximately one mile.
There will be bands and units participating and they will be judged with the promise of a financial award as well as a certificate will be given for the most outstanding unit. There are also transportation funds available.
A $500.00 prize is being offered for the “best” creative float. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful way to make a donation to your favorite charity for the holiday season or as a fundraiser for your organization? Any organization can enter a float or if you aren’t a creative float maker, just march in the Parade.
We are looking for creativity and uniqueness in this year’s Parade. (A $10.00 float entry fee- made payable to the Spirit of Christmas)
After the Parade, the participants are then invited to enjoy refreshments which will be served at the end of the Parade in the Shop n ‘Save parking lot on Eighth Avenue. This is the area where the buses usually wait for the band members and all participants.
Don’t miss the activities at the Waterfront’s Town Center after the Parade too!
Your participation in this years Parade will be a great way to kick off your holiday season.
So put your creativity to work and join us in this year’s 2008 Parade.
Please contact me by email, fax or mail by November 7th so that we can add your organization to the 2008 HISTORIC STEEL VALLEY CHRISTMAS PARADE.
Denise M. Kelly, Organizer
on behalf of Betty Esper, Mayor of Homestead, Ray Bodnar, Mayor of Munhall and John Dindak, Mayor of West Homestead
PS: We have some great surprises in store for everyone!!!!
Phone: (412)462-7272
Fax: (412) 461-2059
Email: homesteadwns@aol.com
140 E. 9th Ave.
Homestead, PA 15120