History of the Garden Club of Munhall
The Garden Club of Munhall was founded in April of 1936 by a group of friends and residents brought together through the love of gardening. This group included both men and women. The originators included Mr. and Mrs Ernest Brunner, Mrs. Donald Gates, Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Grant, Mrs. Seward Hayes, Mr Samuel Himes, Mrs. Myrtle Maiden, Mr. and Mrs.B. Eugene McNight, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nellis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shafer, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sivits and Mr and mrs. Home Woozley. They originally met in the Munhall Fire Station #4 building. Meetings are now held at the Messiah Lutheran Church on main Street.
As a young group, the members were very active, During the first year the purchased and sold two hundred trees to the community. Some of those trees still line the streets of Munhall. During World War II, the garden club planted Victory Gardens and encouraged the community to participate. The members had annual Arbor Day ceremonies two large flower shows some years, and participated in the Pittsburgh Garden Center May Market each year. The Garden Club sponsored a Girl Scout Troop a Girl Scout Troop, and held a bird house contest in the local schools. In 1967 the club placed third in the landscaped garden contest at the Allegheny Fair. The members made two enormous pine cone wreaths to decorate the Homestead Hospital at Christmas time. Their activities did not keep the club from getting involved in the mores of the day. In 1942, the club wrote a letter to the Screed Actors Guild in Hollywood stating their dismay and displeasure with “smoking scenes” exhibited in motion pictures!
Today GCM’s membership totals 26 members. In continues to grow with new members who also have a love and interest in gardening. The club is civic oriented and contributes and volunteers to many local and regional organizations. The GCM is a charitable organization that depends on its annual benefit and other fundraising activities to support it’s many projects. Our garden club has continued to expand and grow in stature, beautifying our community for seventy-four years. As we approach our diamond anniversary, it is our desire that the club will continue to play a vital role in the lives of our members and our community, continuing the legacy of our founding members.