Planning is underway for the 2009 Historic Steel Valley Christmas Parade. Once again we are proud to have United States Steel as our major sponsor. Many new additions (and more to come) have been added to this year’s event which will be held on Saturday, December 5th at 12:00 noon. Participant lineup is 11:15 AM in W. Homestead on Forest Ave. (West Homestead Police Station). The Parade travels along 8th Ave. from W. Homestead to Munhall. It is approximately 1 mile of level roadway.
Refreshments will be available before the Parade at the Bulgarian (BMNECC) Hall across from the W. Homestead Station. After the Parade free refreshments will be served by the Rainbow Kitchen and Shop n Save. The Tin Front CafĂ©, Donna’s Home Cooking and Blue Dust are the newest eateries in town so please play them a visit. Fuddruckers, Chick-Fil-A and other Waterfront Restaurants will be offering parade specials. Don’t miss the shopping opportunities at the Waterfront and on 8th Avenue as well, many new shops have opened and/or are under construction!
Bands and marching units participating will be vying for a cash prize and certificates for the most outstanding unit. We have attempted to make the Parade and related activities more interesting. A $200.00 prize will be awarded for the best holiday-decorated window and a $100.00 prize for the second best decorated windows on the “Avenues” as determined by the Parade “Storefront” judges. To make the Parade more competitive, we have a $350.00 prize for the “best” creative float and a $150.00 prize for the runner-up. Wouldn't that be a wonderful way to make a donation to your favorite charity or to raise money for your group?
Any organization can enter a float or if you aren’t a creative float maker, just march in the Parade. We are looking for creativity and uniqueness in this year’s Parade. Your participation in the Parade will be a great way to kick off the holiday season. So put your ingenuity to work and join us in the 2009 Parade.
Please Contact Denise Kelly at e-mail: homesteadwns@aol.com or 412-462-7272 by Nov. 9th to add your organization to the Parade.
Denise Kelly, On behalf of Homestead, Munhall and West Homestead Mayor
For more Info visit: www.svchristmasparade.com