Tin Front Cafe

216 East 8th Ave., Homestead, PA 15120

Sunday Buffet Brunch 11am to 3pm

Sunday Buffet Brunch 11am to 3pm
Tin Front Cafe

Friday, August 12, 2011

West Mifflin’s Community Day and Crime Watch Parade

West Mifflin’s 2011 Community Day is rapidly approaching and a wonderful day is being planned. As Mayor ( and the Mayors wife) of this great Borough, one of my responsibilities is to organize the Crime Watch Parade that precedes the event at noon on September 10. I am busy making arrangements for various businesses to be a involved in this parade and therefore, I am inviting you to put a vehicle, walkers or a display in the parade to represent your organization.

Line-up begins at Holy Spirit Church at 11:15 at 2603 Old Elizabeth Road and the Parade follows to the Allegheny County Airport where the Community Day event actually takes place. (Approximately ¾ mile)

There will be booths representing many of the churches, non-profits and for profit businesses that reside in West Mifflin. Entertainment and great food will also be available, with a fireworks display at the end of the day.

This is the second year for the event to be held at the Airport (it was always been held at the high school) and it has provided a great space for the thousands of people who attend. Due to the timing of this event, (10 years after 9/11) we are hoping to honor our veterans and all who lost their lives since and during that horrific time.

Everyone loves a Parade and it would be wonderful to see so many organizations represented.

If you have questions, please call Denise Kelly 412-287-3402 for clarification; otherwise please respond if you are able to be in the Parade by e-mail at neecie1362@aol.com

Denise Kelly