Tin Front Cafe

216 East 8th Ave., Homestead, PA 15120

Sunday Buffet Brunch 11am to 3pm

Sunday Buffet Brunch 11am to 3pm
Tin Front Cafe

Monday, September 14, 2009


Homestead Borough
Thursday September 17, 2009 @ 3:00 PM –
200 block East Seventh Avenue

The former Homestead Municipal Building located on the corner of 9th Avenue and Amity Street was erected in 1905. The building served the citizens well, housing public safety and municipal offices until 1987 at which time all of the services where moved to separate facilities.

The new municipal center will combine police headquarters and the Borough administration. The site was selected since the Borough owns the land and the location is in the heart of numerous revitalization projects that are currently in the works.

Homestead has weathered the storm and is once again the hub of activity in the Steel Valley.

Please join us for the groundbreaking and celebrate the renaissance of Homestead Borough.

For more information call the Borough Manager at 412-461-1340