Tin Front Cafe

216 East 8th Ave., Homestead, PA 15120

Sunday Buffet Brunch 11am to 3pm

Sunday Buffet Brunch 11am to 3pm
Tin Front Cafe

Sunday, December 14, 2008

11 Days and 1.3 Million Dollars To Raise - Western Pennsylvania Salvation Army Issues Red Kettle Report

PITTSBURGH, Dec 12, 2008 /PRNewswire --

With only ten days left, volunteers, officers and staff of The Salvation Army's Western Pennsylvania Division have their work cut out for them. The 28-county service area must raise 1.3 million more dollars to hit its $2,445,000 goal.

"This is a tough season," said The Salvation Army's Western Pennsylvania Divisional Commander, Major Robert J. Reel. He explained, "This economic downturn hit us hard. We hope and pray to hit our goal, but even if we do, our client caseload has jumped by a minimum of 20%." Reel continued, "We have faith that our donors will pull through, but it's going to be a roller coaster ride to Christmas eve."

Kettles that are behind include the following seven areas of service: Ellwood City; Erie; Johnstown; McKeesport; Meadville; Pittsburgh's East Liberty, and Steel Valley/Homestead. Reel said, "The danger in reporting totals is that they change minute by minute. The weather, number of kettles and volunteers, and the economy make this fundraising effort extremely challenging." Salvation Army Red Kettles account for roughly 10% to 20% of each local Worship and Service Center's budget. In smaller communities with fewer resources, they play an even larger role in fundraising. Money raised within a neighborhood remains there to support families specifically in that area.

Salvation Army fundraising and delivery of service are segmented according to zip code. That means each facility in every community is independent of one another. Reel explained, "If kettles in one town are productive, that doesn't mean the neighboring community is doing well. Each of our forty-two locations has its own separate budget and red kettle goal. Additionally, service is provided according to a resident's home address, minimizing duplication of service and stretching the donor dollar further.

If you are interested in either volunteering at a kettle or providing a site, contact your local Salvation Army. If you are in Allegheny County, contact Special Events Coordinator, Colleen Ley at 412-394-4870. Major Reel said, "We welcome parents and children. It is a wonderful way for families to give back and it really celebrates the spirit of the holidays in a personal way." Donors may also give online by logging onto http://give.salvationarmyusa.org/goto/svm and indicating where their funds should be directed. Income from red kettles stays within the community where it is raised or selected online.

Steel Valley Matters is hosting a Salvation Army Online Red Kettle and collecting donations to help those in need this Christmas. Our Kettle is just like those Red Kettles you see when you're out shopping, but it's online. If you'd like to donate, just click the link to our personal page below, and help The Salvation Army help thousands of people in need.


Or you may mail donations to:

The Salvation Army ~ Steel Valley Corps
P.O. Box 395
Homestead, PA 15120-0395

Steel Valley Matters