Auction To Benefit Rainbow Kitchen Community Services
Bruce Springsteen has offered Rainbow Kitchen an extraordinary fundraising opportunity, with the donation of a “meet & greet” package to be auctioned for his sold-out Mellon Arena concert on May 19th.
Bruce has agreed to personally meet with the auction winner for a bid of at least $10,000 for the package of four premium tickets and four E Street Lounge passes. He will also match the winning bid with a personal donation to Rainbow Kitchen of up to $50,000.
Bruce Springsteen has been a friend and supporter of Rainbow Kitchen Community Services for many years, and he encourages his fans to contribute to Rainbow Kitchen as well. Bruce made this fantastic offer to Rainbow Kitchen to help us raise as much money as possible through the auction, and we look forward to telling him that his Pittsburgh fans have once again made this effort a huge success. Please note the stipulation that this is intended to be a locally-based fundraising effort with a local winner.
Details About the Prize Package
Meet Bruce Springsteen - For a winning bid of $10,000 or more, the winning bidder will meet Bruce Springsteen backstage before the concert. (And when you meet him, we hope you’ll be able to tell him that you bid at least $50,000 because you wanted to ensure that Rainbow Kitchen would receive the greatest possible benefit from his generous offer!) If the highest bid submitted is below $10,000, the winning bidder will receive the four tickets and four E Street Lounge passes, but will not have the opportunity to meet Bruce Springsteen.
Four Premium Tickets - The seats are located in the loge section (first tier above the floor) within the first five rows, either to the left or right of the stage. The winning bidder may choose instead to receive passes to the General Admission/standing room area directly in front of the stage.
Four E Street Lounge Passes - The E Street Lounge passes will enable the auction winner to go backstage to relax and have a drink (cash bar) before the show.
Details About the Auction
Submit your bid via email to info@rainbowkitchen.org
Please include your name, address, and daytime phone number along with your bid amount
We will provide bidders with updates on the high-bid amount, and you may continue to increase your bid until the end of the auction.
The auction will end on Tuesday, May 12th, at 1:30 p.m.
Full payment by cashiers check or cash must be received at Rainbow Kitchen by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13th.
Thank you for your support – and good luck with the auction!
Rainbow Kitchen Community Services is a 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization. Check with your tax advisor to establish the amount of your winning bid (exceeding fair market value of the tickets) that is tax deductible as a charitable contribution.
All proceeds benefit Rainbow Kitchen’s anti-hunger programs. Learn more at www.rainbowkitchen.org
Rainbow Kitchen Community Services
135 East 9th Avenue
Homestead, PA 15120
412-464-1892 phone
412-464-1069 fax