Tin Front Cafe

216 East 8th Ave., Homestead, PA 15120

Sunday Buffet Brunch 11am to 3pm

Sunday Buffet Brunch 11am to 3pm
Tin Front Cafe

Sunday, February 22, 2009


by Tribune-Review staff
Sunday February 22, 2009

She's been there seemingly as long as the Thunderbolt, but longtime Kennywood spokeswoman Mary Lou Rosemeyer is leaving the amusement park.

Befitting her position, she made the announcement herself Tuesday in an e-mail to members of the media.

"After 22 wonderful years with Kennywood, the position (of) director of public relations is being phased out," she wrote. "The transition for me is made a bit easier by the fact that I will be working for Kennywood in a lessened capacity through Labor Day."

Given the struggling economy, we wonder who else has to fear for his job at Kennywood. We hope a similar e-mail from amusement park mascot Kenny Kangaroo doesn't find its way into our inbox.