Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Salvation Army Open House
The open house is to invite the community to see and experience the new equipment that was given to the Salvation Army through the Batch Foundation and the Steelers by way of the STRIVE organization.
The STRIVE Organization puts into place all of the equipment throughout the entire National Football League.
Come and see for yourself...
Halloween - Trick or Treat!

Friday October 31, 2008
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
West Homestead,
West Mifflin, & Whitaker
Tuesday October 28, 2008
Halloween Party at Barnes & Noble
Bring your kids to the Halloween Party at Barnes and Noble!
Tuesday October 28th at 6:30pm
Kids are invited to wear their costumes and Trick-or-Treat throughout the store.
Crafts, games, and other fun activities will be available to the kids.
Contact the Waterfront Barnes and Noble at 412-462-5743 for more information.
Thursday October 30, 2008
The Carnegie Library of Homestead's annual Halloween Party for children grades 5 and under. We will have games, a costume contest and more!
NEW this year, bring a decorated pumpkin to the party for our Pumpkin Costume Contest! Use glue, paper, paint, glitter...whatever you want to decorate your pumpkin before the party and bring it in to be voted on!
You pumpkin must be at the library by 5:30 to be in the contest. Volunteers will be needed for this event. Call Miss Emily if you have questions, or if you want to volunteer.
Contact : Emily Salsberry 412-462-3444.
Location : Shuffleboard Room.
The Homestead "Block Party" will be on Thursday October 30, 2008 on 9th Ave. in front of the Homestead police station from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Friday October 31, 2008
The West Homestead Halloween Parade will be on Friday, October 31st at Calhoun Park beginning at 5:00.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Steel Valley to induct first Hall of Famers
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Six individuals and one family will be recognized at the inaugural induction of the Steel Valley Hall of Fame on Nov. 14.
Ronnie Lott, former San Francisco 49er and NFL Hall of Fame member, will be keynote speaker at the induction banquet that evening.
The Hall of Fame is a collaborative effort of three Steel Valley nonprofits: The Best of the Batch Foundation, the Munhall-based Carnegie Library of Homestead, and the I-TEAM, or Ironmen Technology Enrichment Academics Mentoring organization. The groups are joining efforts to honor current and former residents who have achieved outstanding accomplishments in the arts, sciences, business, sports and community service.
The 2008 Hall of Fame inductees are:
• Jack Butler: A longtime resident of Munhall and former Pittsburgh Steeler, he was named one of the 33 all-time greatest players in the 75-year history of the Steelers.
• David Lewis: A native of South Africa and an internationally renowned architect, he calls the Steel Valley home and has been involved in the preservation of the region's historical resources.
• George A. Nama: A Munhall native and prestigious artist, he is celebrated worldwide for his sculptures, etchings and sketches.
• Cumberland "Cum" Posey: Owner/manager of one of the Negro Baseball Leagues' greatest teams, the Homestead Grays, he was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2006.
• Tamara Tunie: A Steel Valley High School and Carnegie Mellon University graduate, she stars on prime-time television and Broadway.
• Lynn Yanyo: Another Steel Valley High School and Carnegie Mellon University graduate, she has a doctorate in polymer science and engineering, and holds seven U.S. patents.
• The Campbell family: Well-known in the Steel Valley area for academic and athletic achievement, the family is revered for its unmatched philanthropy.
The I-TEAM, library and Best of the Batch Foundation are natural partners in this initiative as each emphasizes student and youth programming, academic excellence and character development.
"Our organizations want to inspire the young people of the Steel Valley by celebrating the great citizens the Steel Valley has produced. Artists, architects, scientists, athletes -- the Steel Valley has produced them all," said Charlie Batch, a graduate of Steel Valley High School and honorary chairperson of the banquet. "We can produce more. We want to be honoring a Steel Valley student graduating in 2009 at a future Steel Valley Hall of Fame Banquet."
The banquet, a biannual event, will be held at 6 p.m. at St. John Cathedral Center, 210 Greentree Road, Munhall.
Tickets for this gala are available at the library and cost $100 each, $175 for two, or $850 for a table of 10.
For more information, call 412-462-3444 or visit www.homesteadlibrary.org.
8th Annual Dickens of a Christmas Home Tour
Thursday, October 23, 2008
2008 Historic Steel Valley Christmas Parade
We are currently planning the 2008 Historic Steel Valley Christmas Parade and this year we hope to have the best Parade ever! But we can't do it without your help!
You can help by spreading the word, help us to get participant's, make a float, march in the parade with your craziest costume on or just come out and watch. This is also a great way to advertise your business.
The Steel Valley is your community and it would be a wonderful way to show your pride and holiday spirit. As always, the 2008 Parade is the first Saturday in December, December 6th and it begins at 12:00 noon.
The participant’s lineup area is on Forest Avenue in West Homestead at 11:15 A.M. The Parade follows 8th Ave. from West Homestead to Munhall; approximately one mile. There will be bands and units participating and they will be judged with the promise of a financial award as well as a certificate will be given for the most outstanding unit. There are also transportation funds available. A $500.00 prize is being offered for the “best” creative float. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful way to make a donation to your favorite charity for the holiday season or as a fundraiser for your organization?
Any organization can enter a float or if you aren’t a creative float maker, just march in the Parade. We are looking for creativity and uniqueness in this year’s Parade. (A $10.00 float entry fee- made payable to the Spirit of Christmas)
After the Parade, the participants are then invited to enjoy refreshments which will be served at the end of the Parade in the Shop n ‘Save parking lot on Eighth Avenue. This is the area where the buses usually wait for the band members and all participants.
Don’t miss the activities at the Waterfront’s Town Center after the Parade too! Your participation in this years Parade will be a great way to kick off your holiday season. So put your creativity to work and join us in this year’s 2008 Parade.
Please contact me by email, fax or mail by November 7th so that we can add your organization to the 2008 HISTORIC STEEL VALLEY CHRISTMAS PARADE.
Denise M. Kelly, Organizeron behalf of Betty Esper, Mayor of Homestead, Ray Bodnar, Mayor of Munhall and John Dindak, Mayor of West Homestead
PS: We have some great surprises in store for everyone!!!!
Phone: (412)462-7272 Fax: (412) 461-2059
Email: homesteadwns@aol.com
140 E. 9th Ave.Homestead, PA 15120
Steelers unveil fitness zone at Salvation Army

“I was one of these kids,” said Steelers quarterback Charlie Batch. “To see them walk into the door and participate in this is great. It’s exciting. The thanks you get are the smiles that you see.”
It didn’t take long, though, for the kids to come to life. And it’s no wonder.
A simple room at the place where they go for daily activities was transformed into a Steelers Youth Fitness Zone thanks to a partnership between the Steelers and United Way, along with the Salvation Army and STRIVE as a part of the 10th Annual NFL/United Way Hometown Huddle.
The walls were painted gold with black stripes to mimic those on Steelers jerseys. Banners hung throughout the room. There was workout equipment, the same kind that the Steelers have in their weight room. There were games to test agility and reaction and video games that require physical activity as opposed to just clicking the buttons on the game controllers as the idea is to encourage kids to be healthy and active.
And introducing it all to the kids were Batch and the team’s Rookie Club, which includes the team’s 2008 rookies, all who left their hand print and signature on a black wall with gold paint as a memory for the kids.
“This is really wonderful," said Major Robert Reel of the Salvation Army. “These children come down here after school for tutoring and exercise and various programs. Now they are able to come down for something like this. It’s awesome. It’s beautiful. It’s one thing to have all of this wonderful equipment, but the bonus is they get to meet all of these wonderful Steelers. They will be talking about this for months, weeks and years.”
For Batch it was a little extra special to take part because the Salvation Army location was right in the heart of his hometown of Homestead, Pa.
“This is great,” said Batch. “This is a place where I played growing up. This is the only place that people could come. It’s come a long way. To be able to come back and partner and do this in my hometown is great. I know the kids will benefit. I am glad I am able to do my part and continue to give back.”
The players spent time teaching the kids how to use the different machines, including the weights, box hockey, Dance Dance Revolution, Heavy Ball and 3 Kick, a machine which gives a full body workout while having fun.
“It’s always good to come back to your roots like when you were a kid and play games and hang out and have a good time,” said offensive tackle Tony Hills, who mastered Heavy Ball with the high score. “This was a lot of fun. To see these kids being able to have this facility, hopefully it will encourage them and empower them to want to do better in their lives.”
While the kids had a wonderful time and enjoyed the new equipment, it was hard to tell if it was them or the Steelers who were having more fun as their competitive nature started to take over going against each other after the kids had their chance.
“I think the most popular game was the dance game,” said wide receiver Limas Sweed, who spent time working with kids on the proper techniques on the weight equipment. “Guys are going back and forth trying to beat each other. I didn’t do too well. I had on Crocs. Crocs didn’t do too well with dance.”
A few minutes later, Sweed changed his mind.“It’s this game that is the one,” said Sweed of 3 Kick. “Guys are really competing. It’s about the kids, though. To see the kids out here having fun brings us back to our childhood. To come here and give back to these kids is cool.”
LIHEAP expanded for 2008
36th Legislative District
Allegheny County
Winter weather is just around the corner, and with colder temperatures and a sagging economy, I know that can mean hard times for local families.
Additionally, the minimum value of LIHEAP cash grants has increased, from $100 to $300. If you require crisis assistance, you may be eligible for a maximum grant of $800, up from $300. The program opens Nov. 3.
For more information about this or any other state-related issue, please contact my office or the Allegheny County Assistance Office at (412) 565-2151.
Steel Valley High School’s 26th Annual Veterans’ Day Program

The Steel Valley Veterans’ Committee formally requests your attendance at the annual Veterans’ Day assembly honoring veterans of the Armed Services, Red Cross, USO members, and their families.
Please attend the assembly on Thursday, November 6, 2008, at 8:45 in
If you are a veteran who would like to join us for lunch, please contact Jill Fleming-Salopek at 412-464-3600 ext. 2906.
It is so easy to forget the sacrifice of all who have given of themselves especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. It is a small thing to pause, reflect, and thank God for the young men and woman who have given so much and asked so little.
We would especially like to lift up our Gold Star Mothers and the families who share the anguish of separation both at home and abroad.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Halloween - Trick or Treat!

Friday October 31, 2008
6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
West Homestead,
West Mifflin, & Whitaker
Saturday October 25, 20008
Sponsored by the Mayor and Borough Council
The Borough of West Mifflin cordially invites you to join us for our 15th Annual Halloween Parade on Saturday, October 25th between the hours of 10:30 am - 12 Noon at the West Mifflin Area High School. Youngsters between the age of 1 - 10 years old. Parade, Refreshments, Haunted Gym and Costume Contest. Pre-registration is not required. Borough residents only!
Tuesday October 28, 2008
Halloween Party at Barnes & Noble
Bring your kids to the Halloween Party at Barnes and Noble!
Tuesday October 28th at 6:30pm
Kids are invited to wear their costumes and Trick-or-Treat throughout the store.
Crafts, games, and other fun activities will be available to the kids.
Contact the Waterfront Barnes and Noble at 412-462-5743 for more information.
Thursday October 30, 2008
The Carnegie Library of Homestead's annual Halloween Party for children grades 5 and under. We will have games, a costume contest and more!
NEW this year, bring a decorated pumpkin to the party for our Pumpkin Costume Contest! Use glue, paper, paint, glitter...whatever you want to decorate your pumpkin before the party and bring it in to be voted on!
You pumpkin must be at the library by 5:30 to be in the contest. Volunteers will be needed for this event. Call Miss Emily if you have questions, or if you want to volunteer.
Contact : Emily Salsberry 412-462-3444.
Location : Shuffleboard Room.
The Homestead "Block Party" will be on Thursday October 30, 2008 on 9th Ave. in front of the Homestead police station from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
Friday October 31, 2008
The West Homestead Halloween Parade will be on Friday, October 31st at Calhoun Park beginning at 5:00.
BuyingHere: Munhall

The Mon Valley is not a hotbed of new construction. But the developer of Waterfront Ridge believes there is a market niche for handicapped-accessible, single-level homes near the Waterfront.
Bryler Development's Gemini model at 104 Waterfront Ridge Lane, Munhall, and its attached twin, 102, are the first of 20 planned houses in this gated community. Starting at $139,900, the 1,000-square-foot model has two bedrooms and one 9-by-9-foot bathroom with blocking behind the walls for grab bars. All doorways are at least 36 inches wide to allow for easy wheelchair access. Though the model has one step, the other 19 houses will have no-step entries.
Broker Steve Chupinka of K&S Real Estate (412-462-0450) is marketing Waterfront Ridge (www.brylerdevelopment.com/WaterfrontRidge) and is affiliated with the developer.
A second floor plan has more than 1,200 square feet and an optional powder room. Each unit has a one-car garage, vinyl siding, PVC porch railings, a concrete driveway and concrete-floored crawl space for storage. A $49 per month homeowner's fee covers lawn maintenance and snow removal.
Each homeowner received two remote controls and guest codes for the entry gate.
In addition to easy access to the Waterfront, the homes offer a view of the Monongahela River. An open house will be held from noon to 3 p.m. today.
To get to Waterfront Ridge from Pittsburgh, take the Homestead Grays Bridge, left on Route 837, right on Whitaker Way and follow the signs.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Hoffa - Filmed at West Homestead Police Station & 7th Ave.

Jack Nicholson plays James R. "Jimmy" Hoffa, with Danny DeVito playing Robert "Bobby" Ciaro as well as directing the movie.
Roommates - Filmed at Rainbow Kitchen - Homestead
Filmed at Rainbow Kitchen, 8th Ave., Homestead.
Starring Julianne Moore and Peter Falk
Striking Distance - Filmed in The Steel Valley
Filmed on Parry Street & E. 7th Ave, West Homestead and Mon River, Homestead.
Starring Bruce Willis.
GUNG HO - Filmed in the Steel Valley
Filmed at the Carnegie Music Hall of Homestead, Mesta and Allegheny County Airport.
Starring Michael Keaton.
West Homestead Halloween Parade
B-25 Mystery Search Picks Up Again In Monongahela River
The B-25 Recovery Group has been researching the issue since 1994. This weekend, it will return to the water to search again.
At a pre-search meeting at the Sen. John Heinz History Center on Thursday, the group showed off the latest search technology."
It will be a combination of a side-scan sonar, which allows us to get a big picture of what the bottom looks like. It's like a sonogram. We will also use a sophisticated magnetometer to help us locate any metal objects," said Bob Shema, director of special projects at the Marion Hill Association.
Experts from the group said they are concentrating on locating the engine block, the landing gear, the tires and the gas tank, because they were all bulletproof.
The mystery of the B-25 wreckage has endured for more than 50 years.
The plane, with a crew of six airmen, took off from a Nevada air base on Jan. 31, 1956. After stops in Oklahoma and Michigan, the crew headed for Olmstead Air Force Base in Harrisburg.
But with the aircraft running low on fuel, pilot Maj. William Dotson decided to ditch into the river.
The crewman survived the impact, according to the survivors. Four men were rescued, but two crewmen went under. Their bodies were recovered two weeks after the crash.
News reports at the time described an extensive search for the wreckage in the weeks after the crash. The Coast Guard, the Army Corps of Engineers and other agencies dragged the river, at one point lifting a wing out of the water, only to have it slip back under.
Since then the mystery has grown, sparking theories about secret cargo, UFOs and government cover-ups.Searchers said that, even if the mystery of the past isn't solved, the new search technology used could benefit others in the future.
The search takes place on Friday and Saturday.
JRMC Diagnostics Services at the Waterfront now has Mammography
An open house is scheduled for Wednesday, October 15th from 4:00 PM- 7:00 PM at our Waterfront site. Hors d'oeuvres and refreshments will be served.
Everyone is welcome!
JRMC Diagnostic Services at the Waterfront in Homestead
Walk-in service for X-rays.
Services by appointment: Open MRI, multi-slice CT, ultrasound, Doppler and DEXA (bone density).
Free parking.
Jrmc Diagnostic Service
495 E. Waterfront Dr
Homestead, PA 15120-1144
(412) 325-0990
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Free Alarms Available From County Health Department

Free smoke alarms, including installation and fire safety education, are available from the County Health Department. To schedule an installation, call 412-247-7800
While the smoke alarms are available countywide, priority is given to the elderly and disabled and residents of 17 communities with the county’s highest house fire rates:
Braddock, Collier, Duquesne, Etna, Forward, Homestead, McKeesport, North Braddock, Versailles, Wilkinsburg and the Pittsburgh neighborhoods of Allentown, Beltzhoover, Carrick, Hazelwood, Homewood, Lincoln-Lemington and Perry South.
The program, which is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, offers smoke alarms powered with built-in lithium batteries designed to last 10 years and provides one alarm for every level of the home.
House fires are a major cause of death and injury, especially during the cold weather months, and working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying in such a fire by 50%.
Kitchen fires account for 40% of all house fires. Other major causes include smoking materials, electrical problems, malfunctioning heating equipment and the use of unattended candles.FREE STROKE SCREENING
OCTOBER 11TH, 2008
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Clark Memorial Baptist Church
1301 Glenn Street, Homestead, PA
Screening includes:· Stroke risk assessment survey· Blood pressure check· HDL and total cholesterol· Blood sugar level· Body Fat Analysis· * Educational information and counseling.
To register for the free screening, call the Jefferson Regional Medical Center Community Program Line at 412-469-7100.
Registration is required.
Munhall couple's home to be used as primary location for new horror film

Pittsburgh Film Office Director Dawn Keeser said location scouts searched the Pittsburgh area for the perfect house for the new Summit Entertainment horror film.
They found it at the Munhall home of Joseph and Rose Karichko.
"Sorority Row" will begin shooting today along Eleventh Avenue, using the Karichkos' house.
House Row Productions, LLC, which was created for the movie, also is shooting interior scenes in the Carnegie Library of Homestead's basement. Exterior scenes will be shot of several other area houses and in Park Square.
The rest is being done on set," Rose Karichko said."Sorority Row" is about five sorority girls who cause the murder of one of their sorority sisters when a prank goes wrong. They agree never to talk about it again. But after graduation, a killer begins targeting the girls and anyone else who knows about the murder.
"We're thrilled about Summit Entertainment filming here," Keeser said. "We did a lot of work to get them here. We're hoping 'Sorority Row' will be the first of many Summit Entertainment productions in the region."
She said the production company has hired many local residents for the film.
The Karichkos' third-floor office was transformed into a women's dorm room and the front parlor was turned into a men's dorm room.
"They're taking the furniture out of those rooms along with nearby rooms and hallways to make room for the cameras," Rose Karichko said. "They have cardboard all over the house to protect the walls and floors. They're more worried about things being damaged than I am."
The production company is bringing in its own furniture for the film.
Shots will also be taken of an approximate 1,500-square-foot add-on to the back of the 502 E. Eleventh Ave. house.
"The house needs to look bigger," Joseph Karichko said. "So they put a facade in the back."
He said crews are hanging Greek letters and banners on nearby homes to make them look like sorority and fraternity houses.
The couple has been living in their house for the past three weeks while crews prepared the home for the movie.
Rose Karichko said crews worked on the outside of the house until last week.
"They packed everything," she said. "They said they'd put the books back in the exact order in which they were on the shelf. If we need to read one, they know the exact box it's in."
Rose Karichko said the crew took pictures of the areas before they changed them so that they can restore them when filming is completed.
She said the crew worked 12-hour days to get ready for the film.
Joseph Karichko said the film crew did much of the landscaping in his backyard that he had planned to do, but hadn't had time.
The production company lodged the Karichkos at the Shadyside Inn for the 10 days that the film will be shot in their home.
"They will be doing a lot of night shooting," Joseph Karichko said. "There could be 300 to 400 people on the block."
The couple is being paid for the use of their home. They declined to name the exact amount, but said it is well worth it.
"It's crazy Hollywood money," Joseph Karichko said. "It's a decent chunk of change."
Steel Valley Chamber of Commerce Jewelry Bash
Proceeds Benefit the S.V. Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Fund.
Saturday October 18, 2008
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM(Doors open at 1:30 PM)
Pittsburgh Elks Lodge #115
800 Buttermilk Hollow Road.
1 for $20.00
2 for $30.00(500 tickets with 2 numbers per ticket)
every 10 minutes plus…additional jewelry will be raffled, 50/50, and plenty of door prizes!
Appetizers and Refreshments
Winner need not to be present to win
Prizes must be claimed within 30 days. Unsold tickets become property of the Steel Valley Chamber of Commerce
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Carnegie Library of Homestead - Upcoming Events
October 25, 2008 - Sweet Honey in the Rock
November 1, 2008 - Bob Weir and RatDog
November 2, 2008 - Gov't Mule w/ Back Door Slam
November 12, 2008 - The Hold Steady & Drive By Truckers
November 13, 2008 - Michael Franti and Spearhead
November 28, 2008 - Bo Wagner's Rat Pack Christmas & Pure Gold
For more information call 412-452-8240 or email musichall@homesteadlibrary.org
Tickets are available through Ticketmaster by calling 412-323-1919 or by visiting www.Ticketmaster.com
Tickets for Hanson and Bo Wagner's Rat Pack Christmas are available through the Carnegie Library of Homestead at 412-462-3444
Monday, October 6, 2008
Pennsylvania Winery - Heritage Winery joins the Waterfront Town Center.
Welcome Carters to The Waterfront
"Sorority Row" begins filming in Munhall Oct 6
By Rob Owen, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh has a long history as a location for filming horror movies, from "Night of the Living Dead" to "Silence of the Lambs" to "My Bloody Valentine 3-D" earlier this year.
This fall another horror film will shoot in Western Pennsylvania: "Sorority Row," which may or may not be a remake of 1983's "The House on Sorority Row." Calls to production company Summit Entertainment had not been returned at press time.
Summit has made the teen movies "Step Up," "Never Back Down" and the upcoming vampire flick "Twilight," based on the popular book series.
"Sorority Row" will star Briana Evigan ("Step Up 2: The Streets") and Rumer Willis ("The House Bunny"). Willis' mother, actress Demi Moore, attended Charleroi High School. Evigan's father is actor Greg Evigan ("My Two Dads").
Production on "Sorority Row" is slated to begin Oct. 6.
The production is seeking to fill 20 speaking roles and more than 500 extras locally, primarily 18-to-25-year-olds who can portray college students. Anyone interested should fill out an application and upload photos on the Mosser Casting Web site (MosserCasting.com).
"Pittsburgh is thrilled to have film work happening in the region," said Dawn Keezer, director of the Pittsburgh Film Office. "We're hoping to have a long-term relationship with Summit."
Update 10/6/08
Sorority Row has began filming on 11th Ave. in Muhnall across from the Carnegie Library of Homestead
Munhall Houses
Amity Street Crossing Closed
According to the Port Authority web site the railroad crossing is to be closed October 6 and 7.